3 Tips For Maintaining Your New Lawn Turf

Having turf laid gives you an evenly coloured, healthy lawn that can be enjoyed once the root system takes hold in your garden, which usually only takes a few weeks. You won't have unsightly bald patches or have to wait for grass seed to grow, but lawn turf does require a little maintenance to ensure it stays healthy. Here are a few tips for ensuring your lawn turf thrives:

Keep Off The Grass

The roots of your turf can be easily damaged until they become deeply embedded in the soil underneath, so avoid walking on your turf for the first few weeks. You should also keep heavy objects, such as garden furniture, off the turf while the roots become established. To check whether the roots have established themselves, simply try lifting a corner of the turf. You can start using your lawn when you can no longer lift the turf off the underlying soil.

Don't Let It Dry Out

When turf is dug up and replanted, the root system doesn't have access to water deep within the soil until it becomes embedded. So, you'll need to keep your turf moist at all times while the roots are becoming established. It's best to use an oscillating sprinkler for this as you can water your whole lawn without stepping foot on it. You don't want to overwater your turf or you run the risk of moss taking hold, so how do you know how much water to give your lawn each day? There's no definitive answer to this question as the amount of water needed depends on the soil, weather conditions and the type of turf you've opted for. However, you should aim to keep the soil underneath your turf wet without having water sitting on top of your turf. Keeping the soil moist to a depth of a few inches provides a favourable environment for the roots to grow down into. You can check moisture depth by inserting a thin wooden skewer into the soil.

Apply High-Quality Fertiliser

Fertilising your lawn will prevent the depletion of nutrients and helps deter moss and weeds. When it comes to applying fertiliser, there are a few basic principles to keep in mind. You should aim to fertilise your lawn four times a year for optimum blade and root health, and you can use a synthetic or organic-based fertiliser. Synthetic fertilisers are effective for 6-8 weeks, while organic-based fertilisers offer a slow release of nutrients that can nourish your grass for longer as bacteria and fungi interact with the fertiliser.

You should only use fertilisers specifically formulated for lawns as this will ensure your grass receives the right amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Nitrogen keeps the blades healthy and gives your grass a rich green colour, phosphorous is essential for root health and potassium strengthens the cell walls and improves disease resistance.

As you can see, the maintenance required to ensure new lawn turf thrives is minimal, so speak to your local turf supply professional if you'd like to find out more about the types of turf that are best suited to your area. 
