Benefits of Mulch for Your Landscape

Mulch can have great benefits for your landscape. Whether you have a vegetable garden or a sprawling backyard, you can find a use for mulch. It comes in a wide range of materials and colours. If you wonder what mulch can do for your landscape, continue reading.

Reasons To Use Mulch

Modern mulch is more than just compost and wood chips. It comes in so many shapes and styles that anyone can find a use for them. Even if you only have a small yard or a container garden, you can find a use for mulch. Below are some reasons to use mulch in your landscaping.

It Holds In Moisture

The right kind of mulch can hold in moisture so that it evaporates slowly. You won't need as much water for your plants.

It Contributes Nutrients

Some mulch contributes nutrients to the soil. Either they break down, or insects consume the mulch and contribute the nutrients through excretion.

It Keeps the Landscape Intact

Mulch can deflect rainwater and keeps soil from washing away.

It Insulates the Ground

A proper layer of mulch can keep the ground temperature stable.

It Prevents Weeds

Mulch makes it harder for weeds to sprout. When weeds do sprout, they may be easier to see and pull.

It Looks Good

You can choose from a variety of sizes, styles and colours to complement your landscape. This variety makes it easy to customize how your garden looks.

Choosing a Mulch

When you choose a mulch, consider what you want it to do for your landscape. Many organic mulches can enhance your existing plants. Mulch comes in a variety of forms, including large and small chips, compost and straw. Large chips tend to last longer than smaller ones. Also, naturally-coloured mulch will fade over time. So if you are going for colour, choose one with environmentally-friendly vegetable dyes.

Best Times To Mulch

You will likely get the most benefit if you mulch before your local dry season begins. When the soil still has moisture, mulching can keep it from drying out as the weather gets warmer and drier. Don't mulch during the coldest or warmest time of the year. Remove all weeds before applying your mulch layer.

Try to use mulch in areas that tend to be dry or have trouble retaining moisture. Don't use it in moist areas that don't drain well. Don't overuse mulch as it could affect how your plants grow. Don't pile it too thick or up against tree trunks. Many nurseries and garden centres carry a wide variety of mulch. If you aren't sure which one will work best for you, ask a garden specialist for more information on landscape mulch for your yard.
